I am delighted to have been commissioned by the International Auschwitz Committee to design an open-air exhibition based on an idea by Michèle Déodat and Christoph Heubner. From January 27, 2025, 15 panels on the fence of the Lower Saxony state representation directly opposite the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin will impressively commemorate the 80th anniversary […]

Bell ornament
The large-scaled project to finance three new bronze bells for the Dillenburg church tower of the protestant congregation I have now been accompanying on a voluntary basis since 2021. The money will soon be collected and the first bell can be cast in October. The highlight of this fundraising project for me is the opportunity […]

EKHN Fundraising Award
The 1st prize of the tender “Best Concept” for a fundraising project 2023 was awarded to the parish Dillenburg by the Protestant Church in Hesse and Nassau (EKHN) for “my” bell project! I am pleased! “On May 10, the award was presented to project leader Christine Bahl and church board chairwoman Ursel Krug-Richter in Frankfurt. […]